Even the sycophants admit rigging

The scale and scope of the night-before stuffing of ballot boxes was so stunning even by the ruling junta’s normal benchmarks, that it’s own ‘front’ ally (all these totalitarian parties of the Eastern European style..be they post WWII Poland or North Korea or Syria have ‘fronts’ which bring the main political machine of the junta with a few non-entities in a make believe combine to provide a mirage of internal pluralism), the JSD party finally admitted it. In a report of the JSD exec’s post election meeting reported in the February 4 2019 issue of the daily Prothom Alo, the JSD supremos–after the usual sycophantic ‘we would have won anyway’–admitted the obvious: ‘some over eager government employees stuffed many ballot boxes overnight’. But true to the amorality which is incumbent in any dictatorship’s sinews and its corrosive influence on anyone associated with it, the JSD leaders had no desire to have free elections. A victory is a victory…isn’t it?

Published by DocEsam

A Bengali by ethnicity, a college administrator and teacher by profession, and a bibliophile by passion whose heart breaks watching the debasement of Bangladesh's once vibrant pluralist democracy into a one party, one family dictatorship since 2014.

4 replies on “Even the sycophants admit rigging”

  1. These broken hearted gilted lovers of power from the JSD for the sake if it and the booties that accompany power are showing tantrum by speaking halftruths! Ballot stuffing was done at the behest of the Madam Dictator! Why should Inu the Tankdancer blame government officials is beyond me!

  2. Why is anyone surprised? Doesn’t the JSD name translate to “National Socialist Party”? They are probably delighted to see fascism making its comeback around the world. And who, exactly, is going to do anything about it? With the ever preset threat of imprisonment, violence and death at government hands, the average ‘deshi has to be careful just to get through the day.

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