Bangladesh’s Schutzstaffel

Since the beginning of its reign in 2009, the Awami League party (which just won the ‘elections’ with 96 % of the seats lol) has used its in-house vigilante squad, acronymed “BCL”, to visit terror on its opponents when even it’s pet police and official paramilitary units demurred such acts on the basis of being outside the broadest remit of professionalism. In the just concluded joke of national elections–like in previous local elections–the BCL has used its cadres to enforce compliance with regime dogma, broken bones of dissenters, killed, raped, and maimed to sow fear amongst ordinary Bangladeshis. In the dorm of public universities and in their faculty halls, the BCL runs the show, with any student or faculty not towing the regime line thrown out if he/she are lucky, ‘disappeared’ if not. In more ways than one, the BCL is the Bangladeshi regime’s answer to the ‘War Veterans’ of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe and the ‘Basij’ of the mullahs of Iran (with whom the Bangladeshi regime is very close). #bdpolls2018

Published by DocEsam

A Bengali by ethnicity, a college administrator and teacher by profession, and a bibliophile by passion whose heart breaks watching the debasement of Bangladesh's once vibrant pluralist democracy into a one party, one family dictatorship since 2014.