And revolt we did! Happy Birthday Bangladesh!!

When the corrupt politicians dithered and tucked tail to the red-light district of Calcutta as the Pakistani military let loose its savagery on the night of March 25, 1971, a patriot, officer and gentleman stood up and fought the Occupation Forces, and led others from the front.

“In that case, we REVOLT”. ..he said. And revolt we did. And revolt we did. And revolt we did.

Whether the purchased mouthpieces known as Bangladesh’s editors and producers admit these days or not, the world knows and history records. Bangladesh turns 51…and may she live long, and soon restore the democracy that her people bled for those 51 years ago.

To the consternation of the current regime and its polite faced crooked, craven, and cowardly enablers in the media and intelligentsia….proud to proclaim: Bangladesh Zindabad!!

Published by DocEsam

A Bengali by ethnicity, a college administrator and teacher by profession, and a bibliophile by passion whose heart breaks watching the debasement of Bangladesh's once vibrant pluralist democracy into a one party, one family dictatorship since 2014.